Fitness Friday

4 Apr

Very busy day today, between clients and group classes.

Breakfast early…

And lunch packed!

I did a lower body + ab workout before leaving the gym for the day:

  • Cable crunches 3xFailure
  • Hanging knee raise 3xFailure
  • Standing calf raise 8×8
  • Seated calf raise 3×10
  • Laying leg curls 3×12, 9, 6
  • Hack Squat 3×15
  • Deadlift 3×15
  • Chin-ups to failure, unassisted.

**Weights as heavy as possible without breaking form – and still being able to complete the number of reps. KILLER.

I also walked to and from work today. It’s an easy way to get an extra 2.5 miles in 😉

Sipped a “recovery” mocha on the way home.

Had real food once I arrived. And after lots of foam rolling and stretching.

The usual: veggies, hummus, nutritional yeast. Plus the last slice of Applegate turkey.

When dinner time rolled around nobody could agree on anything, so we went out. Buffalo Wild Wings happens to be in the same parking lot as Trader Joe’s, so we were able to pick up a few necessities (wine) too.20140404-182942.jpg  Wings and blackened chicken salad, split.

And then dessert was offered. I was outnumbered. Not that I fought that hard.


The 4 of us quit just shy of stuffed.

The husband and I are trying to expand our wine tastes (we have none). We know we want to start with sweet wines because we like fruit flavors? And sweets? We know nothing. I think we’re looking for alcoholic grape juice. Let us know asap if that exists, please.


This wine will have to wait. There is definitely no need for snacks tonight.

Besides a cup of peppermint tea or two.

Have a great weekend!

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